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Join me on my development journey as I explore the inner mechanisms of my creative consciousness and navigate the tech industry

Starting in 2021, I set out to fulfill my unyielding obligation to develop games and program with excellence. Since then, I've had the privilege of participating in collaborative projects, as well as working as a game developer and programmer at BETA. With a focus on code quality, maintainability, and innovation, I've developed games and experiences with sensor-based inputs, designed project architecture, implemented audio-based functionalities, and more. Explore my journey as I continue to learn, grow, and innovate as a developer.

Game Dev: Bio


Game Dev: Projects


Game-Changing Financial Education

As a Unity Developer at Zbenko, I contribute to the transformation of financial education through innovative interactive games and immersive financial simulations.

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Nickelodeon smartwatch for kids

As a Unity developer, I have had the opportunity to work on the Nickwatch project from its early stages to its launch. Being involved in the project from start to finish has been an enriching experience, and I have gained valuable insights into the development process of a product that offers both entertainment and safety features for children.



A Collaboration

"Allium" is an interactive project which showcase concept art for a 2D video game and is inspired by Mary Norton’s children's book “The Borrowers”.

Game design and art by Noa Lev

Programming by Dean Aviv



My initial venture into game development

Although the original concept was for a PC platformer game, the development process taught me valuable lessons in physics, animation, and level design in the game industry. Using Unity, I was able to create a prototype for this game and gain hands-on experience in the development process. Through this project, I discovered the intricacies of game design and the many elements that must come together to create a polished, engaging game.



Was my second game prototype, but the first where I underwent a full QA process.

It began as a request from a family member and became one of the most valuable learning experiences I've had in game development. As part of the development process, I sent samples of the game to family members, friends, and co-workers to gather feedback and improve the game accordingly. Even today, I'm continuing to develop the 0.2v of this game using Unity. This project taught me the importance of quality assurance and how feedback can drive improvements in the game development process.

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